Cahyo Hasanudin, Ayu Fitrianigsih


Abstract: This study aims to determine the learning style of students in taking courses in reading skills. This research is a qualitative research by observing the learning process of reading skills by applying flipped classroom learning. The research subjects were 35 students in the first semester, and lecturers in reading skills. Data were collected through classroom observations and interviews. In the class observations, researchers observed and recorded everything that happens in the form of field notes. Interviews adopted open questions and participants gave open responses. The results showed that students had a visual learning style (28.6%), auditory (22.9%) and kinesthetic (22.9%).


Keywords: flipped classroom, learning style, students



Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya belajar mahasiswa dalam mengikuti mata kuliah keterampilan membaca. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mengamati proses pembelajaran mata kuliah keterampilan membaca dengan penerapan pembelajaran flipped classroom. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 35 mahasiswa pada semester pertama, dan dosen mata kuliah keterampilan membaca. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi kelas dan wawancara. Dalam observasi kelas, peneliti mengamati dan merekam semua yang terjadi dalam bentuk catatan lapangan. Wawancara mengadopsi pertanyaan terbuka dan para partisipan memberikan tanggapan terbuka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki gaya belajar yang visual (28,6%), auditori (22,9%) dan kinestetik (22,9%).


Kata kunci: flipped classroom, gaya belajar, mahasiswa


flipped classroom, gaya belajar, mahasiswa

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