Pengembangan Pengukuran Kesiapan Pembelajaran Online dengan Pendekatan Data Demografis

Citra Kurniawan, Zuhkhriyan Zakaria


Abstract: Considering the rapid change in learning orientation towards digital-based learning, it is necessary to validate online learning readiness. Several previous studies have discussed the importance of measuring online learning readiness, but very few have discussed their approach with demographic data. This study uses a developmental study approach and validation of online learning readiness to evaluate how ready students are to face online learning. This study involved 450 students from two universities consisting of 122 male and 328 female. The three stages of research include reliability testing, validity testing and exploration of demographic data based on the validation results of online learning readiness measurements. This study answered three research questions: (1) How does the reliability of online learning readiness measurement?; (2) How does the validity of online learning readiness measurement?; (3) How does the demographic data on online learning readiness?. This study went through a systematic validation stage and found that the measurement of online learning readiness met the requirements for reliability and validity. Meanwhile, the results of the demographic data exploration found that there was no significant effect of gender differences on online learning readiness. However, further differences in study backgrounds present different results where the study program background gives positive results on several aspects of online learning readiness.

Keyword: online learning readiness, demographic, validity, reliability.

Abstrak: Mempertimbangkan perubahan orientasi pembelajaran yang cepat menuju pembelajaran berbasis digital maka diperlukan validasi kesiapan pembelajaran online. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu telah membahas bagaimana pentingnya pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online namun masih sedikit sekali yang membahas terkait pendekatannya dengan data demografis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian perkembangan dan validasi kesiapan pembelajaran online untuk mengevaluasi seberapa siapkah mahasiswa menghadapi pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini melibatkan 450 mahasiswa dari dua perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 122 laki-laki dan 328 perempuan. Tiga tahap penelitian meliputi uji reliabilitas, uji validitas dan eksplorasi data demografis berdasarkan hasil validasi pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini menjawab tiga pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana reliabilitas pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online?; (2) Bagaimana validitas pengukuran kesiapan pembelajaran online?; (3) Bagaimana data demografis terhadap kesiapan pembelajaran online?. Penelitian ini melalui tahapan validasi secara sistematis dan menemukan bahwa pengukuran kesiapan pembelaran online memenuhi syarat reliabel dan validitas. Sedangkan pada hasil explorasi data demografis ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan perbedaan jenis kelamin terhadap kesiapan pembelajaran online. Namun lebih lanjut pada perbedaan latar belakang studi menyajikan hasil yang berbeda dimana latar belakang program studi memberikan hasil positif terhadap beberapa aspek kesiapan pembelajaran online.

Kata Kunci: kesiapan pembelajaran online, demografis, validitas, reliabilitas.


Kesiapan pembelajaran online; demografis; validitas; reliabilitas

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