Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Masa Pandemi Berbasis Society Empowerment

Evita Muslima Isnanda Putri, Belinda Arbitya Dewi, Rony Setianto


Covid-19 was declared a world pandemic by the WHO and declared by the Indonesian government as a non-natural disaster in the form of a disease outbreak caused by the SARS-Co-V 2 virus or Coronavirus. Covid-19 is transmitted through the air, and one of the ways used to minimize the spread of Covid-19 is washing hands. This community service activity aims to educate the public about making simple hand sanitizers and educating the importance of clean and healthy living to avoid contracting Covid-19 through the habit of washing hands with hand sanitizers. This community empowerment-based activity was carried out starting in March 2020 in Sumbertlaseh Village, Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency. Socialization of making a simple Hand sanitizer using STIKES Rajekwesi Bojonegoro products by WHO standards that are safe to use. The results obtained from this community service activity are that the community can understand how to make simple hand sanitizers and implement handwashing using hand sanitizers as an effort to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.


Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemik dunia oleh WHO dan ditetapkan pemerintah Indonesia sebagai bencana non alam berupa wabah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS- Co-V 2 atau virus Corona. Covid-19 ditularkan melalui udara, dan salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk meminimalkan penyebaran Covid-19 adalah cuci tangan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pembuatan hand sanitizer sederhana dan edukasi pentingnya hidup bersih dan sehat guna menghindari tertularnya Covid-19 melalui kebiasaan cuci tangan dengan hand sanitizer. Kegiatan berbasis society empowermenr ini dilakukan mulai bulan Maret 2020 di Desa Sumbertlaseh, Kecamatan Dander, Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Sosialisasi pembuatan Hand sanitizer sederhana menggunakan produk STIKES Rajekwesi Bojonegoro sesuai dengan standar WHO yang aman untuk digunakan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bahwa masyarakat mampu memahami cara pembuatan hand sanitizer sederhana serta mengimplementasikan cuci tangan menggunakan hand sanitizer sebagai upaya pencegahan penularan Covid-19.


Covid-19, prevention, transmission, society empowerment

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30734/j-abdipamas.v5i2.1442


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