Variasi Bahasa Content Creator Nessie Judge di Youtube
Kata kunci— content creator, variasi bahasa, youtube
Abstract— This article describes the various variations and varieties of language used by content creators in Indonesia. The use of these lan-guage variations makes the videos of famous content creators on the YouTube platform trending worldwide because of YouTube's popularity among young people today as a useful online media. Content creators at-tract audiences with interesting content as well as the delivery style and language used, especially content creators who already have many fol-lowers. Variations in the language used include language errors and even give rise to new words that do not comply with Indonesian lan-guage rules. The research uses a qualitative approach in the form of data analysis by watching various videos from the YouTube channel of one of Indonesian content creators, Nessie Judge. Then the research was ana-lyzed descriptively-qualitatively based on sociolinguistic studies. The re-search results relate to the large use of non-standard language and unique language used by Nessie in her videos, including code switching, code mixing, interference, and slang/jargon. The use of various lan-guages by content creators is very influential on society, especially for YouTube users because the unique language will be used by society. This research can increase the knowledge of writers and readers regarding developments in sociolinguistic studies, as well as help other researchers as a form of comparison.
Keywords— content creator, language variation, youtube
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